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New York Times: In Areas Fueled by Coal, Climate Bill Sends Chill

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In Areas Fueled by Coal, Climate Bill Sends Chill By Felicity Barringer New York Times April 9, 2009 ST. LOUIS — Chatting with a visitor about energy issues in the back of the Greater Mount Carmel Baptist Church here, a group of women exploded in laughter at the idea that their electric rates were among the lowest in the nation. “We can barely afford what we have now,” said Renee…

Updates to Mining Law Must be Reasonable, Responsible and Protect American Jobs

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The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a hearing today on H.R. 699, the Hardrock Mining and Reclamation Act of 2009. While updates do need to be made to the Mining Law, the royalty structure in H.R. 699 could seriously impede domestic mineral production and harm our nation’s economy. “We must be honest that the jobs of American workers are at risk…

Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Coal Ash Impoundments

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The House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held its first subcommittee hearing today on H.R. 493 the “Coal Ash Reclamation, Environment and Safety Act of 2009,” which would give expanded regulatory authority to the Department of Interior over coal-fired power plants and redefine them as “mine sites.” This legislation is in response to two spills of coal fly…