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State Forests Management Superior to Federal Forests for Job Creation, Revenue Production, Local Economies and Fire Prevention

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Today the House Subcommittee on Public Lands and Environmental Regulation held a hearing examining, “State Forest Management: A Model for Promoting Healthy Forests, Rural Schools and Jobs.” The hearing was an opportunity to hear from state leaders, local land managers and timber experts on the inadequacies and burdens of current federal forest management practices that have contributed to…

Letter from Five House Committee Chairmen to Comptroller General Dodaro Regarding NEPA

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We are writing regarding the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA") of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and the federal costs associated with agencies' compliance, including those reimbursed to federal agencies by third-parties. Specifically, the NEPA process includes the required evaluation of the environmental effects of a federal action or nexus, including…

Wildfire prevention is 1st priority in new Congress

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Wildfire prevention is 1st priority in new Congress Glenwood Springs Post Independent Rep. Scott Tipton January 14, 2013 As we begin the 113th Congress, I'm incredibly honored to have earned the trust of the people of the 3rd Congressional District and to serve as their representative for a second term. During my first term, I focused on advancing the issues that most directly…

Forest Service Failing to Create Jobs, Stimulate Economy in Forest Management Practices

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During the height of this year’s record-breaking fire season, the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands held a legislative hearing on bills to address forest health and reduce the risk of catastrophic forest fire. Following a Forest Service report on the need for restoration on 65-82 million acres of National Forest land, the Forest Service testified that it had…

The U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree: A Holiday Tradition Since 1964

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Last night, in perfect 66 degree weather, Speaker of the House John Boehner joined Architect of the Capitol Stephen Ayers and other dignitaries to light the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree. This year's tree — a 65-foot Engelmann spruce — hails from Committee Member Scott Tipton's Colorado district, in the Blanco Ranger District of the White River National Forest. The "People's Tree" will be…

National Forest Products Week Calls Attention to Need for Active Management of Our Public Lands

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President Obama has declared October 21st through October 27th National Forest Products week in appreciation of the sustainable uses of our public lands. The federal government owns over 190 million acres of resource abundant forest lands that provide opportunities for economic development, timber and energy production, grazing, tourism and recreational activity. Through the responsible…

House Passes Bipartisan Cabin Fee Fairness Legislation

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Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 3397, the Cabin Fee Act of 2011, by voice vote. Sponsored by Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04), the bill modifies the current cabin fee formula to make it more predictable and affordable for families who own cabins in our National Forests. Recently, cabin owners have been faced with arbitrary, skyrocketing fees as a result of a faulty appraisal…

Committee Approves Bill to Help Prevent Catastrophic Wildfires, Improve Forest Health, Protect Local Communities

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee passed H.R. 6089, the Healthy Forest Management and Wildfire Prevention Act of 2012, with a bipartisan vote of 28-19. Introduced by Colorado Members Scott Tipton, Doug Lamborn, Mike Coffman, and Cory Gardner, the bill would reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, address factors that contribute to insect infestation, and restore forest…

All Witnesses Agree: Litigation, Red Tape Fuel Megafires that Damage Forests, Communities, and Species

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing on, “The Impact of Catastrophic Forest Fires and Litigation on People and Endangered Species: Time for Rational Management of our Nation's Forests.” The hearing focused on the devastating impacts of catastrophic wildfires on people and species and how Endangered Species Act litigation blocks activities that help…

Witnesses Emphasize Need for Bills to Reduce Risk of Megafires to Aid Forest Health, Protect Local Communities, Create Jobs

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Today, the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands held a hearing on legislation intended to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfires, restore forest health, and address factors that contribute to insect infestation and wildfire. Decades of severe mismanagement of our public lands have contributed to increased forest density, overgrowth, and insect infestation,…