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Documents Sought from Obama Administration Regarding Chu Memo that Could Raise Energy Prices on 40 Million Americans

| Posted in Press Release

As part of the House Natural Resources Committee’s ongoing oversight of Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Steven Chu’s March 16, 2012 Memorandum (Memo) to the Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs), Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent a letter to Secretary Chu requesting specific documents and communications related to his Memo. Click here to read the full letter. The…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Chu Requesting Additional Information on the March 16, 2012 Memorandum to the Power Marketing Administrations

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Chu: The Committee on Natural Resources (“Committee”) is conducting oversight on issues surrounding your March 16, 2012 Memorandum to the Power Marketing Administrations (“PMAs”). After two full Committee hearings and a number of congressional letters of concern, it is abundantly clear that there are many unanswered questions on the reasoning and implementation of this…

Bipartisan House Tells President Obama to Stop the War on Coal

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House of Representatives, by a bipartisan vote of 233-175 approved H.R. 3409, the Stop the War on Coal Act, a package of five bills that will help end the Obama Administration’s war on coal that threatens thousands of American jobs and could increase the price of energy on millions of American families and small businesses. The legislation prevents the Obama Administration from…

Chairman Hastings: President Obama's War on Coal is Real

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement on the House floor today in support of H.R. 3409, the Stop the War on Coal Act: “Mr. Chairman, In his 2008 campaign, President Obama plainly declared the policies he supports would bankrupt American coal production. Since taking office, the Obama Administration has waged a…

Committee Releases Report on Obama Administration's Job-Destroying Rewrite of Coal Production Regulation

| Posted in Press Release

The House Natural Resources Committee today released a report detailing information uncovered in its more than 18-month ongoing investigation into the Obama Administration’s rewrite of a coal production regulation, the 2008 Stream Buffer Zone Rule. The report, entitled “President Obama's Covert and Unorthodox Efforts to Impose New Regulation on Coal Mining and Destroy American Jobs,”…

Rep. Bill Johnson Discusses President Obama's War on Coal on FOX Business

| Posted in Blog

Congressman Bill Johnson (OH-06) joined the show “Money” with Melissa Francis on Fox Business to discuss what House Republicans are doing to fight President Obama’s War on Coal. This week the House will consider H.R. 3409, the Stop the War on Coal Act, a package of bills to protect thousands of American jobs and U.S. energy production that are being threatened by Obama Administration…

House to Consider Stop the War on Coal Act Next Week

| Posted in Press Release

Next week, the House of Representatives will consider the Stop the War on Coal Act of 2012, a package of five bills that will help end the Obama Administration’s war on coal that threatens thousands of American jobs and could increase the price of energy on millions of American families and small businesses. Included in the package is a Natural Resources Committee bill, H.R. 3409, the…

Chairman Hastings' Op-Ed in Politico: Barack Obama's campaign against coal

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

Barack Obama’s campaign against coal By: Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings Politico Wednesday, September 12, 2012 During President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, he declared one of his energy goals was to “bankrupt” the coal industry by making electricity prices “skyrocket.” That policy statement kick-started the president’s continuing war on coal miners,…

Chairman Hastings Correspondence with Former White House Aide Joseph Aldy Regarding Regarding Role in Producing the Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Aldy: On May 27, 2010, the Department of the Interior ("Department") issued a final report entitled "Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf' ("Drilling Moratorium Report") that recommended a moratorium on otlshore oil and gas drilling. The Executive Summary of the Drilling Moratorium Report incorrectly stated that peer reviewers had…