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Job Creation

Boehner Statement on Rahall Anti-Energy Bill

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Check out Minority Leader John Boehner’s remarks on Chairman Rahall’s Energy Roadblock Bill: “Middle-class families and small businesses are struggling and our economy is shedding jobs, yet Democrats continue to push job-killing legislation that would hamstring environmentally-safe energy production and undermine job creation. Instead of pursuing an ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy to…

Democrats’ Roadblock to Energy Bill: Edition #3

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Today, September 16th, the House Natural Resources Committee will hold its first hearing on the CLEAR Act – a bill that throws up tax and fee roadblocks on the path to American energy production and job creation. Read Editions #1 and #2 of the Democrats’ Roadblock to Energy bill. Roadblock #7: Increasing fees on wind and solar energy production (Sec. 503). Under this provision, wind…

Democrats’ Roadblock to Energy Bill: Edition #1

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On September 16th, the House Natural Resources Committee will hold its first hearing on the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534) – a bill that throws up the following bureaucratic roadblocks on the path to American energy production and job creation: Roadblock #1: Creating Yet Another New Federal Government Office (Sec. 101). This provision creates a detour on the path toward energy production by…

Bipartisan Agreement at EMR Hearing on Need to Increase American Energy Production

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Today, the House Natural Resources Energy and Minerals Subcommittee held a hearing on “The American Conservation and Clean Energy Independence Act” (H.R. 2227), a bipartisan bill sponsored by Representatives Tim Murphy (R-PA) and Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) to expand offshore drilling on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).  Many Democrats continue to support policies that throw up…

Hastings Statement on CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534)

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act of 2009 (H.R. 3534).  Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee released this bill last night and will hold hearings on it on September 16th and 17th. “Yesterday, with unemployment nearing 10…

Natural Resources Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Offshore Drilling Legislation

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Tomorrow, the House Natural Resources Energy and Minerals Subcommittee will hold a hearing on “The American Conservation and Clean Energy Independence Act” (H.R. 2227), a bipartisan bill to expand offshore drilling by moving forward with the 2010-2015 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lease plan.  The bill is sponsored by Representatives Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) and Tim Murphy (R-PA). Since…

Unemployment Rate Increases to 9.7 Percent, Democrats Continue to Turn Blind Eye on All-of-the-Above Energy Jobs

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s unemployment report that the U.S. economy lost nearly 216,000 jobs in August, raising the unemployment rate to 9.7 percent: “With each passing month, it’s becoming increasingly evident that the tax and spend policies of the Obama Administration…

A Postcard from U.S. Wind Energy

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Click to enlarge Background: On August 6, 2009, ten Senate Democrats sent a letter to President Obama regarding their concerns about the job-killing National Energy Tax bill. They said: “We must not engage in a self-defeating effort that displaces greenhouse gas emissions rather than reducing them and displaces U.S. jobs rather than bolstering them.” As the…

Rural America Solutions Group Co-Chairs Call on Obama Officials to Deliver Economic Relief to Zanesville

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On Sunday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will travel to Zanesville, Ohio as part of the Administration’s rural America listening tour. Co-Chairs of the Rural America Solutions Group Frank Lucas (R-OK), Sam Graves (R-MO), and Doc Hastings (R-WA), released the following statement regarding Sunday’s event: “Unemployment in Ohio is higher than the…

Rural America Solutions Group Co-Chairs Call on Obama Officials to Deliver Economic Relief to Bethel, Alaska

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Tomorrow, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will travel to Bethel, AK as part of the White House’s rural America listening tour. Co-Chairs of the Rural America Solutions Group Frank Lucas (R-OK), Sam Graves (R-MO), and Doc Hastings (R-WA),…