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Job Creation

House Passes Bill to Create American Jobs and Expand American Copper Production

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Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1904, the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act, with a bipartisan vote of 235-186. Sponsored by Natural Resources Committee Member Paul Gosar (AZ-01), H.R. 1904 authorizes a fair value land exchange that will unlock the third largest undeveloped copper resource in the world. The bill will create thousands of jobs, generate…

Chairman Hastings: Passage of H.R. 1904 Will Expand U.S. Minerals Production to Create Jobs, Strengthen Economy

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings delivered the following statement (as prepared for delivery) on the House floor in support of H.R. 1904, the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011. This bill will create thousands of jobs, generate billions in revenue and strengthen our national security by developing our own U.S. copper resources. “Our…

Organizations Support H.R. 1904, The Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act of 2011

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Numerous groups across the country are calling for passage of H.R. 1904, the National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act, Republican legislation that will create thousands of good-paying jobs, strengthen our national security and provide billions of dollars in revenue to the federal government. The bill exchanges lands between Resolution Copper, the federal government, the state of…

Energy and Minerals Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Obama Administration’s Proposed Rule to Block Coal Mining, Destroy Jobs

| Posted in Committee Action

On Friday, November 4th, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources will hold a hearing on “Jobs at Risk: Waste and Mismanagement by the Obama Administration in Rewriting the Stream Buffer Zone Rule.” The Subcommittee previously held an oversight hearing on the issue in Charleston, WV, where Committee members heard from locals whose jobs and livelihoods are being threatened due to…

FACT SHEET: Copper in Our Every Day Lives

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Tomorrow, the House will consider H.R. 1904, legislation that authorizes a fair value land exchange in Southeast Arizona that would open up the third largest undeveloped copper resource in the world. Currently, the United States imports over 30% of its copper needs. H.R. 1904 would create American jobs and strengthen our national security by producing enough copper to meet 25% of our…

H.R. 1904 Creates New American Jobs, Strengthens National Security

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Tomorrow, the House will vote on H.R. 1904, the Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act, which authorizes a fair value land exchange that would open up the third largest undeveloped copper resource in the world. The bill will create thousands of jobs, generate billions in revenue and strengthen our national security by developing our own U.S. copper resources. This bill…

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Tipton

| Posted in Blog

House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. The Committee continues its Job Watch series this week with Freshman Committee Member Rep. Scott Tipton (CO-03). His district spans the Colorado Rocky Mountains, which includes…

Expanded Santa Ana Sucker Critical Habitat Designation Threatens Regional Economic Growth, Water Supply

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House Subcommittee on Water and Power held a field oversight hearing in Highland, California on, “Questionable Fish Science and Environmental Lawsuits: Jobs and Water Supplies at Risk in the Inland Empire.” Chairman Tom McClintock (CA-4), and Reps. Jerry Lewis (CA-41) and Ken Calvert (CA-44) heard from local officials, stakeholders and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on how…

Witnesses Decry NOAA’s Unsubstantiated Stellar Sea Lion Science Jeopardizing Commercial Fishing Industry, Coastal Economies

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held a Full Committee field hearing on “NOAA's Steller Sea Lion Science and Fishery Management Restrictions - Does the Science Support the Decisions?” Members in attendance, including Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) and Rep. Don Young (AK-At large), heard from the Administration, state officials, scientists and the commercial fishing industry on…