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Full Committee

Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act (H.R. 4742)

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Reporting H.R. 4742 Out of Committee (Passed 24-17. View Roll Call Vote) This legislation would renew, strengthen, and improve the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management act with common sense reforms that increase management flexibility based on science, ensure greater government transparency, promote responsible fishing and prevent overfishing, improve fish data…

Manhattan Project National Historical Park Proposal Again Passes the House, Advances to the Senate

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The House of Representatives today approved the National Defense Authorization Act of 2015, which included a bipartisan provision sponsored by Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) to establish a Manhattan Project National Historical Park.  The Manhattan Project was an unprecedented top-secret program to construct a nuclear weapon that ultimately played an…

Private Property Owners, Farmers, and Small Businesses Pay the Price for ESA Critical Habitat Designations

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Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources held an oversight field hearing in Batesville, Arkansas on “Protecting the Rights of Property Owners: Proposed Federal Critical Habitat Designations Gone Wild.”  The hearing examined the comprehensive impacts of critical habitat designations, flaws in the current critical habitat proposals for the Neosho mucket and Rabbitsfoot mussel,…

Federal Red-Tape and Inconsistent Decision Making Hampering Efforts to Keep the Lights On and Reduce Forest Fire Risk

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Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources held an oversight hearing on “Keeping the Lights On and Reducing Catastrophic Forest Fire Risk: Proper Management of Electricity Rights of Way on Federal Lands.” The hearing examined the need for improved management and better communication with electric utilities on electricity rights of way on federal lands so that falling, dead,…

Committee Approves Legislation to Update and Improve the Endangered Species Act

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved four targeted bills that would improve and modernize the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The primary focus of these four bills is to promote data and cost transparency and species recovery. These bills have been endorsed by over 25 organizations including, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Family Farm Alliance, National Rural Electric…

Mike Rowe: Work Hard AND Smart

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Yesterday, the House Committee on Natural Resources held an oversight hearing on “American Energy Jobs: Opportunities for Skilled Trades Workers.” The hearing examined the well-paying jobs opportunities for technical and skilled workers that have been created by the recent American energy boom. Mike Rowe, former host of Discovery’s “Dirty Jobs” and CEO of mikeroweWorks testified at this…

Endangered Species Litigation Reasonableness Act (H.R. 4318)

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Reporting H.R. 4318 Out of Committee (Passed 27-15. View Roll Call Vote) This bill would prioritize resources towards species protection by placing a reasonable cap on the hourly rate of attorneys fees that may be awarded to prevailing parties and making the ESA consistent with current federal law. * For complete legislative action for the April 30, 2014 Full Committee Markup, click here.

State, Tribal, and Local Species Transparency and Recovery Act (H.R. 4317)

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Reporting H.R. 4317 Out of Committee (Passed 26-16. View Roll Call Vote) This bill would require the federal government to disclose to affected states all data used prior to any ESA listing decisions and require that the “best available scientific and commercial data” used by the federal government include data provided by affected states, tribes, and local governments. Huffman 001…

Endangered Species Recovery Transparency Act (H.R. 4316)

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Reporting H.R. 4316 Out of Committee (Passed 26-16. View Roll Call Vote) This legislation would require the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to track, report to Congress, and make available online funds expended to respond to ESA lawsuits, the number of employees dedicated to litigation; and attorneys fees awarded in the course of ESA litigation and settlement agreements. Lummis 033…