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National Monuments

Hastings, Bishop Call on Secretary Salazar to Bring Missing Pages of National Monument Document to Committee Hearing

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) and National Parks, Forest s and Public Lands Subcommittee Ranking Member Rob Bishop (UT-01) sent a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today asking him to bring the missing pages from “Internal Document” that details plans to designate new national monuments to the Natural Resources Committee Full Committee…

Ranking Member Hastings Urges Democrat Majority to Embrace Transparency, Bring Resolution of Inquiry on National Monument Documents for Vote in Full House

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The House Natural Resources Committee today voted down (by a margin of 20-22) a motion offered by Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) to favorably report H. Res. 1245, a Resolution of Inquiry aimed at requiring the Secretary of the Interior to turn over specific information related to potential National Monument designations (i.e.“Treasured Landscapes” initiative.) Chairman Nick Rahall…

DOI Continues to Withhold Missing Documents Regarding National Monument Designations

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Over two months after Republicans requested missing pages and information regarding the Obama Administration’s “Treasured Landscape” document that details plans to designate new national monuments, the Department of Interior (DOI) last night released just 383 pages of emails. The emails simply raise more questions about these potential designations, while failing to provide any…

Resolution of Inquiry Directed at Interior Dept. : Republicans Aim to Force Disclosure of Documents on Secret National Monument Plans

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) and National Parks, Forests and Public Lands Subcommittee Ranking Member Rob Bishop (UT-01) will introduce a Resolution of Inquiry today that is aimed at requiring the Secretary of the Interior to turn over to the House of Representatives specific information related to potential National Monument designations. …

Hot Air Alert: One Month After Republicans Request “Missing Pages” on Plans for Potential New National Monuments, Nothing But Crickets from Interior Department

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Exactly one month ago today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04); National Parks, Forests and Public Lands Subcommittee Ranking Member Rob Bishop (UT-01); and 14 Members of Congress sent a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar requesting missing pages and additional information regarding the Administration’s secret plans to designate 13 million…

As Secretary Salazar Visits Border, Dept. of Interior Must Stop Obstructing Border Patrol

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On Saturday, March 13, 2010, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar will briefly tour Organ Pipe National Monument, located along Arizona’s southern border. While there, Secretary Salazar must answer as to why the Department of the Interior (DOI) is using environmental regulations to hinder U.S. Border Patrol from securing our border on federal lands. As a result of DOI’s actions, this…

850,000 Acres & 34 Wilderness Area Designations = No Access, No Jobs, No Recreation for Coloradans

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Click to enlarge Map Key: -- “Off Limits” signs = Land Designated Wilderness Area Under H.R. 4289 (Rep. DeGette) -- Numbers 1-7 and corresponding colors distinguish CO Congressional Districts -- CO Congressional District 1, Rep. Dianna DeGette–NOT affected by…