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Deepwater Horizon Spill

Hastings Statement on Reports that the Flow of Oil into the Gulf has Stopped

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding reports that oil has stopped flowing into the Gulf: “For the first time in months people in the Gulf have reason to be optimistic.   While this is encouraging news, the crisis is far from over.  The well still needs to be permanently sealed, the oil cleaned up, and people and…

Vote Check: Democrats Vote Down Amendment Prohibiting Government Offshore Rig Inspectors from Striking

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During a Full Committee markup of the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534), Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) offered an amendment to prohibit unionized, government oil rig inspectors from striking and walking off the job.  The amendment failed 19-26. Click here for the roll call. “Since the tragic Deepwater Horizon accident in April, everyone has been rightly concerned about making sure that offshore…

Vote Check: Instead of Focusing on Oil Spill, Democrats Vote to Pass Onshore Energy Provisions That Won’t Help the Gulf Coast or Make Offshore Drilling Safer

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During a Full Committee markup of the CLEAR Act (HR, 3534), Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY) offered an amendment to strike all items in the bill related to onshore oil and gas development (Title II, Subtitle B).  Democrats defeated this amendment in a 20 to 28 vote.  Click here to view the roll call. House Democrats are attempting to use the tragedy of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill…

Vote Check: Republican-led, Bipartisan Amendment to Protect 2.8 Million Domestic Natural Gas Jobs Defeated By Natural Resources Democrats

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During Full Committee markup of the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534), an amendment offered by Reps. John Fleming (R-LA), Bill Shuster (R-PA), Dan Boren (D-OK), Mike Coffman (R-CO), and Doug Lamborn (R-CO) to strike Sec. 239, which requires the disclosures of hydraulic fracturing liquids to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, was defeated in a 19 to 25 vote. Click here to view the…

Vote Check: Democrats Vote to Kill Jobs, Boost Gas Prices and Increase U.S. Dependency on Dangerous Foreign Oil

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Today, during a Full Committee markup of the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534), Democrats on the House Natural Resources Committee voted against (21 to 27) a Republican amendment to protect jobs, lower energy prices and keep America less dependent on foreign sources of energy.  The amendment, offered by Rep. Bill Cassidy (LA-06), ensures that nothing in H.R. 3534 could result in “a net increase…

Vote Check: Democrats Vote to Use Oil Spill as Excuse for over $40 Billion in Higher Spending

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Although the Clear Act (H.R. 3534) is being advertised as a bill to establish new laws and regulations in response to the Deepwater Horizon spill, the Democrat majority is using it as a vehicle to push through nearly $1.5 billion dollars a year in unrelated spending, for a total of over $40 billion in new mandatory spending. Democrats today voted against (16 to 25) an amendment by Rep.…

Vote Check: Republican Amendment Defeated to Repeal and Prohibit Implementation of Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

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The Democrat majority on the House Natural Resources Committee today voted (22 to 26) against an amendment offered by Rep. Bill Cassidy (LA-06) to prohibit the Obama Administration from implementing a moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf. Click here to view the roll call. “To support this moratorium you have to ignore the evidence, the testimony of experts, and…

Vote Check: Committee Approves Hastings’ Amendment to Require Prompt Response from Fed Government on States Permit Requests to Respond to Oil Spill

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The House Natural Resources Committee during markup on the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534), approved an amendment offered by Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) to require timely response from the federal government on permits and applications from states and local governments attempting to respond to oil spills of national significance. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has repeatedly spoken of the…

Choo! Choo! All Aboard the Democrats’ Christmas Tree Express: Congressman Admits to Democrat Strategy of Exploiting Oil Spill to Pass Controversial Legislation

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During a House Natural Resources Committee markup of the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534), Congressman Jay Inslee (D-WA) admitted to using this bill –which has been promoted as a response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill – as a vehicle to pass legislation completely unrelated to the Gulf Coast disaster. When asked at the markup why he was introducing an amendment to attach his Geothermal…