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Deepwater Horizon Spill

Hastings: Oil Spill is No Excuse to Impose Job-Killing Energy Policies, Focus Must Be on Stopping Leak, Making American Drilling the Safest in the World

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings released the following statement regarding President Obama’s address to the nation on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: “There is an on-going crisis in the Gulf and the priorities of the Administration should be simple: stop the leak and cleanup the oil.  Such a devastating crisis shouldn’t be used as leverage to push a…

Cassidy Statement at Natural Resources Subcommittee Hearing on the Deepwater Horizon Spill

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Congressman Bill Cassidy (LA-06) delivered the following opening statement as the acting Ranking Member at today’s Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife hearing on “Ocean science and data limits in a time of crisis: Do NOAA and the Fish and Wildlife Service have the resources to respond?”: “Madam Chairwoman, I appreciate your scheduling this hearing on the resources and knowledge…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Drilling Bits of Fiction

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Drilling Bits of Fiction Seven experts say the White House distorted their views 6/10/2010 Wall Street Journal Editorial The Obama Administration is under political pressure to reverse its ill-considered deep water drilling moratorium, and the latest blowback comes from seven angry experts from the National Academy of Engineering who say their views were distorted to justify the…

Hastings Statement on May Job Numbers

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the May unemployment rate was 9.7%: “While any job growth is important during these difficult economic times, we need policies that will actually create permanent jobs and not just temporary, government positions.  The President’s…

E&E Daily: Birnbaum's game of telephone ends in firing

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Birnbaum's game of telephone ends in firing Mike Soraghan E&E Daily May 28, 21010 Minerals Management Service Director Liz Birnbaum might have kept her job a little longer if she'd stayed in her office and kept her phone on the hook yesterday. Instead, she was forced to resign in a move that highlights the Obama administration's struggle to stay ahead of the Gulf of Mexico oil…

Hastings Statement on the President’s Gulf Coast Oil Spill Press Conference and Firing of MMS Director Birnbaum

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following statement regarding President Obama’s Gulf Coast oil spill press conference: “Everyone shares the goal of making American energy production the safest in the world.  While there are ongoing investigations into the root causes of this unprecedented spill, it’s appropriate to take interim steps…

Hastings Statement at Full Committee Hearing on Deep Water Horizon Spill

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement at today’s second Full Committee oversight hearing on the “Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Strategy and Implications of the Deepwater Horizon Rig Explosion.” Click here to watch As prepared for delivery: “I would like to start by first offering my condolences to those…

Ranking Member Hastings Opening Statement at Today’s Deepwater Horizon Spill Hearing

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement at today’s Full Committee oversight hearing on the “Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Strategy and Implications of the Deepwater Horizon Rig Explosion.” Click here to watch As prepared for delivery: “Stopping the leaking well, cleaning up the oil, and responding to the…