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FOX News: Hastings Discusses Interior Department Stimulus Spending on FOX News

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Click here to watch Transcript: BILL HEMMER: What would you do with $3 billion?  So far the Department of the Interior hasn’t done much. Look at this graph here. Of the $3 billion through stimulus funds, it’s allocated $310 million – that’s the top line. It has spent only $12 million. This from a program that was expected to help jumpstart the economy. Representative Doc Hastings…

E&E Daily: House turns to wild horse conservation bill as GOP protests price tag

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House turns to wild horse conservation bill as GOP protests price tag Allison Winter E&E Daily July 17, 2009 The House is expected to take up legislation today that seeks to protect wild horses and burros under federal care, but Republicans are bashing the bill as a waste of federal resources in the midst of tough economic times for many Americans. The bill, H.R. 1018, calls for…

Weekly Standard: Obama and the GOP Reach out to Middle America

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Homage to the Heartland: Obama and the GOP Reach out to Middle America Weekly Standard Gary Andres July 9, 2009 Some political commentators label Barack Obama as America's first "urban president." As Quinnipiac University's Peter Brown explained in the Wall Street Journal last November, "Let's be clear: Urban is not meant as a euphemism for black or liberal, although the…

Politico: Rural Dems have Beef with Obama

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Rural Dems have Beef with Obama Lisa Lerer and Jonathan Martin Politico June 17, 2009 Angered by White House decisions on everything from greenhouse gases to car dealerships, congressional Democrats from rural districts are threatening to revolt against parts of President Barack Obama’s ambitious first-year agenda. “They don’t get rural America,” said Rep. Dennis Cardoza, a…

New York Times: Advocates of gun rights are poised for a victory

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Advocates of gun rights are poised for a victory By Carl Hulse New York Times May 20, 2009 WASHINGTON — Advocates of gun rights are poised to win a Congressional victory that eluded them under a Republican president. To the frustration and discouragement of many Democrats, House and Senate lawmakers and aides say it now appears likely that President Obama will this week sign into…

Washington Post: The Bias Against Oil And Gas

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The Bias Against Oil And Gas By Robert J. Samuelson Washington Post May 4, 2009 Considering the brutal recession, you'd expect the Obama administration to be obsessed with creating jobs. And so it is, say the president and his supporters. The trouble is that there's one glaring exception to their claims: the oil and natural gas industries. The administration is biased against them…

Washington Post: Selling The Green Economy

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Selling The Green Economy By Robert J. Samuelson Washington Post April 27, 2009 Few things are more appealing in politics than something for nothing. As Congress begins considering anti-global-warming legislation, environmentalists hold out precisely that tantalizing prospect: We can conquer global warming at virtually no cost. Here's a typical claim, from the Environmental Defense…

New York Times: In Areas Fueled by Coal, Climate Bill Sends Chill

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In Areas Fueled by Coal, Climate Bill Sends Chill By Felicity Barringer New York Times April 9, 2009 ST. LOUIS — Chatting with a visitor about energy issues in the back of the Greater Mount Carmel Baptist Church here, a group of women exploded in laughter at the idea that their electric rates were among the lowest in the nation. “We can barely afford what we have now,” said Renee…

McClatchy News: Public lands bill falls short in House, embarrassing Democratic leaders

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Public lands bill falls short in House, embarrassing Democratic leaders McClatchy Newspapers Michael Doyle 3/11/09 Democratic leaders suffered an embarrassing defeat Wednesday as the House failed to pass a public lands bill. The 1,248-page bill, which included provisions ranging from new Pacific Northwest scenic trails to Everglades National Park additions, secured a solid House…