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E&E Daily: Concerns over Central Valley woes dominate data collection hearing

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Concerns over Central Valley woes dominate data collection hearing October 28, 2009 E&E Daily Taryn Luntz Lawmakers who gathered yesterday to examine federal water data programs ended up immersed in a bickering session over water management in California's drought-ridden Central Valley. At the outset of the Water and Power Subcommittee hearing, ranking member Tom McClintock…

FOX News blog: Smart Energy, not smart enough

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“‘With a $1.4 trillion deficit and almost 10 percent unemployment, President Obama should be open to new ideas about ways to reduce federal spending and create new jobs,’ Hastings said. ‘But unfortunately, the President has slammed the door shut on a wide range of energy ideas - including using new offshore drilling revenue to fund renewable energy projects and create jobs across our…

Associated Press: US reps worry ocean policy will block development

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“Washington Rep. Doc Hastings, the ranking Republican member of the House Natural Resources Committee, said it is important that the task force recognize multiple uses of the nation's oceans, from fishing to energy development to recreation. ‘We can protect our oceans without inflicting more economic damage in the middle of a serious recession. Members from both sides of the aisle will…

E&E Daily: One year later, GOP pushes federal leasing plans

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One year later, GOP pushes federal leasing plans 10/2/2009 Ben Geman, E&E News Republicans and oil industry groups are using the one year mark of last year's offshore drilling ban expiration to push for wider leasing in federal waters, alleging the Obama administration is delaying access to potentially large U.S. reserves. Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.), the ranking member of the…

Associated Press: Salazar says he may wait on offshore drilling plan

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Salazar says he may wait on offshore drilling plan Matthew Daly, AP September 17, 2009 WASHINGTON — Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Thursday he's in no hurry to make a decision on whether to allow offshore drilling in federal waters off Alaska and other states, a remark that disappointed advocates of offshore drilling for oil and gas. Salazar, who met with Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell…

Washington Times: Forest Fire Funds Aid D.C. Festivals

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Forest Fire Funds Aid D.C. Festivals Stephen Dinan Washington Times September 11, 2009 Even with forest fires raging out West, the U.S. Forest Service this week announced it will spend nearly $2.8 million in forest-fire-fighting money in Washington -- a city with no national forests and where the last major fire was probably lit by British troops in 1814. The D.C. aid is going to…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling - Too Bad It's Not in U.S. Waters

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Editorial: Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling Too bad it's not in U.S. waters. Wall Street Journal Editorial August 18, 2009 You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil. The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore…

FOX News: Outraged California Farmers Demand Obama Administration’s Help

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Click here to watch Valley that Hope Forgot Sean Hannity, FOX News August 11, 2009 Hannity: Update on a story we covered back in May. The Central Valley of California was once considered the bread basket of America. But now farms all over that region have been allowed to dry up. Now why? Because of a 2-inch minnow on the endangered species list. Now, environmentalists claim that the…

Investor's Business Daily: Will Russia Drill Off Florida's Coast?

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Will Russia Drill Off Florida's Coast? Investor's Business Daily August 05, 2009 4:20 PM PT Two Russian nuclear attack submarines have taken up positions along our East Coast in recent days, another sign of renewed assertiveness by the former communist giant. The move comes as Moscow inks a deal with the communist relic of Cuba to drill for oil we refuse to go after. The submarines…

FOX News Highlights Democrats’ $700 Million Welfare Program for Wild Horses

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Click here to watch Critics Worry Measure to Save Wild Horses Is Taxpayer Drain William Lajeunesse FOX News 7/29/2009 Taxpayers could be on the hook for $700 million if a measure to put wild horses back home on the range passes Congress. A bill that would save wild horses and burros in the western United States from controlled killings and set aside millions of acres for them is…