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Ocean Zoning in CLEAR Act Kills Jobs Onshore and Offshore

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The CLEAR Act stretches far beyond the Gulf oil spill and offshore drilling by creating Regional Coordination Councils to implement marine spatial planning or “ocean zoning.”  This could lock-up large portions of the ocean to fishing, energy production and other recreational activities.  The mandatory zoning of oceans could deal a further significant blow to the Gulf region’s economy that…

CLEAR Act Includes $30 Billion Mandatory Spending Increase, Entire Amount Open to Earmarks

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A hallmark of this Democrat controlled Congress has been the dramatic increase in spending, and they keep that tradition going strong with the CLEAR Act.  The bill includes an over $30 billion increase in new, mandatory spending over the next 30 years for programs that are completely unrelated to the oil spill. Even more egregious, Democrats have added new language that expressly allows…

White House Continues to Exploit Oil Spill Tragedy to Push Cap-and-Trade National Energy Tax

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White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs kept the dream of a cap-and-trade national energy tax alive this week by confirming that it’s still not too late to exploit the tragedy in the Gulf in order to push through this job-killing measure. On Tuesday during his press briefing, Gibbs said he wouldn’t rule out the possibility that climate measures could be attached the oil spill bills being…

Democrats’ Offshore “Oil Spill” Bill Makes Significant Changes to Onshore Energy Leasing

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In yet another example of House Democrats exploiting the oil spill to pass unrelated legislation, the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534) makes fundamental changes to onshore federal energy leasing.  This will not only affect leasing for natural gas and oil, but also for renewable energy like wind and solar.  In addition, the new $22 billion energy tax would also apply to onshore oil and…

CLEAR Act Exploits Gulf Oil Crisis, Contains Numerous Items Unrelated to Spill

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Despite reports that the latest version of the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534) is a “slimmed-down” bill, it still contains numerous provisions that are completely unrelated to the Gulf oil spill or reforms to offshore drilling. Democrats have publically admitted to using the oil spill as a political opportunity to pass unrelated items.  For example, Rep. Jay Inslee tried to attach an unrelated…

Democrats’ CLEAR Act Threatens Millions of Energy Jobs Throughout the Country

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While Americans continue to ask “where are the jobs?” House Democrats are preparing to pass legislation that will send even more American energy jobs overseas. The CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534) puts the 9.2 million jobs supported by American oil and natural gas at risk by raising taxes, blocking American energy development, continuing a moratorium on deepwater drilling and completely eliminating…

Taxation with Plenty of Litigation: CLEAR Act’s $22 Billion Energy Tax Kills American Jobs, Helps Foreign Oil, Costs Taxpayers Billions in Court Fees

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The CLEAR Act imposes a new energy tax costing $22 billion over ten years– with the taxes eventually climbing to nearly $3 billion per year.  Specifically, it creates a new $2 per barrel of oil and 20 cents per million BTU of natural gas “conservation fee” with the revenue going towards unspecified purposes. “This is an energy tax that will raise energy prices for all American families…

VIDEO RELEASE: Facts on Puerto Rico Statehood Needed Before, not After Vote on H.R. 2499

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In anticipation of today’s vote on H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released a video and accompanying fact sheets outlining concerns and questions about the proposed legislation.  H.R. 2499 would provide for a two-step vote process in Puerto Rico on their future political status, including the option of…

What Would Statehood for Puerto Rico Mean – the Need For Facts

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The House of Representatives is expected to soon vote on H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act. This bill would provide for a two-step vote process in Puerto Rico on their future political status, including the option of becoming the nation’s 51st state. Puerto Rico is able to conduct its own local plebiscite or referendum, as they have done three times in the past, yet this bill…

Get the Facts on the Puerto Rico Democracy Act

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The Puerto Rico Democracy Act would authorize a federally-sanctioned plebiscite (vote) of the people of Puerto Rico regarding their political future. Currently, Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory with Commonwealth status. Puerto Rico residents are U.S. citizens, but do not pay federal incomes taxes and are represented in Congress by a non-voting Resident Delegate. H.R. 2499…