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Op-Eds and Speeches

Ranking Member Hastings' Op-Ed in The Washington Times: Pump up the economy

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Pump up the economy By Rep. Doc Hastings Washington Times September 2, 2009 Last year, amid worries of escalating energy costs, Congress and the president announced an end to the decades-long ban on offshore drilling on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). This bipartisan announcement opened the door to new American oil and gas production and the creation of new American jobs.…

Ranking Member Hastings' Op-Ed on Obama Blocks New Energy Exploration

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Obama Blocks New Energy Exploration By Rep. Doc Hastings Townhall July 14, 2009 With 9.5 percent of Americans out of work and rumors of yet another costly stimulus, President Obama and White House officials regularly say that “nothing is off the table” when it comes to getting our economy back on track. But after six months in office, President Obama should revise his statement to…

Ranking Member Hastings' Op-Ed in Roll Call: Royalty Reform Will Be a Burden on Producers

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Hastings: Royalty Reform Will Be a Burden on Producers By Rep. Doc Hastings Roll Call June 22, 2009 The future of American energy development is at a crossroads. While we all recognize the need to have an affordable and stable energy supply, agreeing on the best path toward achieving this goal is not simple. Do we take the path toward a comprehensive strategy that promotes clean,…

Ranking Member Hastings' Op-Ed on Obama Stands in the Way of Our Energy Future

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Obama Stands in the Way of Our Energy Future By Congressman Doc Hastings Townhall April 29, 2009 In case you haven’t noticed, today marks President Obama’s 100th day in office. One thing that hasn’t changed over the past three months is the President’s ongoing practice of using empty rhetoric and straw-man arguments. Americans only had to hear the President’s recent Earth Day speech…

Ranking Member Hastings' Remarks at IPAMS Meeting on Developing our Domestic Energy Resources

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) spoke at the Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States meeting, warning of the negative consequences our country faces if we refuse to develop our own domestic energy resources. His remarks come the same day that House Republicans unveiled an alternative budget that includes an all-of-the-above energy…

Ranking Member Hastings' Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Water Resources Association

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following prepared remarks at the National Water Resources Association Annual Meeting, highlighting the Administration’s “cap-and-tax” plan and the need to recognize hydropower as a clean, renewable energy resource: “I was recently appointed by my colleagues in the House to serve as the Ranking…

Ranking Member Hastings to Deliver Remarks at Newsweek Energy Forum

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) will participate in Newsweek’s Executive Forum entitled “Energy Policy: Perspectives for a New Policy and Administration” from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM in the Mansfield Room of the United States Capitol. Hastings will deliver the following remarks regarding America’s energy challenges, specifically highlighting the…

Ranking Member Hastings' Op-Ed on Human Events: Dems' Climate Change Power Grab Hidden in Spending Bill

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Dems' Climate Change Power Grab Hidden in Spending Bill Rep. Doc Hastings Human Events March 4, 2009 Using a massive $410 billion spending bill as a cloak, Democrat leaders in Congress have been caught attempting to create almost limitless new federal powers to regulate climate change without any public notice, public comment, or public debate. The provision slipped into this bill…