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Rep. Hastings Unveils New Congressional Website

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Yesterday, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Republican Doc Hastings (WA-04) unveiled his new Congressional website.  Click on the image below to read more about Doc and the Central Washington district he represents.

Good Release from Republican Leader John Boehner on the CLEAR Act

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Tomorrow, the House is expected to vote on the Democrats’ so-called energy legislation (H.R. 3534) that will destroy jobs, increase energy costs, and make America more dependent on foreign oil.  Read what House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said regarding the devastating impact this bill will have on American families and businesses: “The oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is a…

Committee Hearings Begin Tomorrow on Deepwater Horizon Spill

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Tomorrow, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, along with other Administration officials, will testify before our committee on the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and oil spill.  The Natural Resources Committee has responsibility for this offshore leasing spill and the natural resource damages caused by the spill. Ranking Member Doc Hastings has repeatedly said that our immediate…

New Poll: Americans Understand Energy Production and Jobs Go Hand in Hand

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A National Journal Congressional Connection/Society for Human Resource Management Poll released today reveals telling results about what the public believes Congress’ priorities should be over the coming months. Jobs and energy topped the priority list for the one thousand people surveyed—81% want Congress to address the job situation and 67% believe Congress should attend to the nation’s energy needs.

Cast your vote on YouCut

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Be sure to vote for one of the 5 new YouCut programs this week.  After voting, you can also share other spending cut ideas you have.  What program would YouCut this week?  One of the 5 options is to suspend federal land purchases, saving $2.66 billion over 10 years. Cast your vote here.  Over 280,000 votes were cast last week! YouCut – a first-of-its-kind project – is designed to defeat…

The Hill’s E2 Wire: Rahall, Hastings dispatch staff to monitor oil spill

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The leaders of the House Natural Resources Committee – which oversees offshore drilling and some related coastal issues – have dispatched committee staff to monitor the work of federal agencies responding to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. “We are sending Committee staff to observe the joint unified command as they problem-solve in real time to ensure protection of our economically…

Check Out the Puerto Rico Democracy Act (H.R. 2499) Page

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Today the U.S. House of Representatives will vote for H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act.  H.R. 2499 would provide for a two-step vote process in Puerto Rico on their future political status, including the option of becoming the nation’s 51st state. Ranking Republican Doc Hastings released a video that outlines concerns and questions about the proposed legislation: Click here to…

House Republicans: Stop squabbling and secure the border

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House Republicans introduced legislation Wednesday that would prohibit the Department of the Interior from using environmental regulations to interfere with the Department of Homeland Security’s attempts to secure the nation’s southern border. As The Examiner reported in February, an ongoing feud between the two federal departments has left 4.3 million acres of federal wilderness…