Jeff Hurd (R-Colo.)
The Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs oversees all matters regarding Native Americans and Alaska Natives, including the 574 federally recognized Indian tribes with approximately 2 million members.
Republicans on the Subcommittee are working to ensure freedom and economic development opportunity for Indian tribes across the country.
Jurisdiction of the Subcommittee:
- All matters related to the Federal trust responsibility to Native Americans and the sovereignty of Native Americans.
- Measures relating to the welfare of Native Americans, including management of Indian lands in general and special measures relating to claims that are paid out of Indian funds.
- All matters regarding Native Alaskans.
- All matters regarding the relations of the United States with Native Americans and Native American tribes, including special oversight functions under House Rule X.
- All matters regarding Native Hawaiians.
- All matters regarding insular areas of the United States.
- All measures or matters regarding the Freely Associated States.
- General and continuing oversight and investigative authority over activities, policies, and programs within the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee.
Vice Chair Amata Coleman Radewagen
(R-American Samoa)
Tim Walberg
Doug LaMalfa
Addison McDowell
Mike Kennedy