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Oversight: Shutdown of National Parks, Monuments, and Public Lands

The House has repeatedly taken action to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. Unfortunately, the Senate and President Obama refuse to come to the table and negotiate. One of the many consequences of this unfortunate shutdown is that millions of Americans are not able to visit our treasured National Parks and landmarks. However, the Obama Administration is going out of its way to take unreasonable and unnecessary steps to block public access to parks and monuments that isn’t warranted by a government shutdown.

For example, open air parks and national monuments, places without doors or gates, where people are allowed to visit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, have been barricaded off. In addition, none of these D.C. memorials were closed during the last government shutdown in 1995-1996 under the Clinton Administration. The Obama Administration’s closing of these sites is not something they are required to do; it’s something they are CHOOSING to do. The Obama Administration wants the effects of this government shutdown to be as painful as possible.

The House has passed bipartisan legislation (H.J.Res. 70, Open Our National Parks and Museums Act) to fund National Parks and keep them open to the public. The Senate has yet to act.

Map of Closures Around Washington, D.C.:

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