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Legislative Hearing on H.R. 6285 | Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee

On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 10:15 a.m., in room 1324 Longworth House Office Building, the Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources will hold a legislative hearing on the following bill:

  • H.R. 6285 (Rep. Stauber), “Alaska’s Right to Produce Act of 2023”

Witnesses and Testimony

Panel 1: 

Steve Feldgus
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management
Department of the Interior

Panel 2: 

John Boyle
Alaska Department of Natural Resources 

Doreen Leavitt
Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope 

Karlin Itchoak
Alaska State Director
The Wilderness Society [Minority Witness] 

Charles Lampe
Kaktovik Iñupiat Corporation