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Legislative Hearing on H.R. 2437, H.R. 3415, H.R. 4385 and H.R. 4590 | Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries

On Thursday, September 28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. EDT in room 1324 Longworth House Office Building, the Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries will hold a legislative hearing on the following bills:

  • H.R. 2437 (Rep. Murphy), To revise the boundaries of a unit of the John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System in Topsail, North Carolina, and for other purposes.
  • H.R. 3415 (Rep. Hageman), “Pilot Butte Power Plant Conveyance Act”
  • H.R. 4385 (Rep. Neguse), “Drought Preparedness Act”; and
  • H.R. 4590 (Rep. Kiggans), “BEACH Act”.

Witnesses and Testimony

Mr. Matt Strickler
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Fish and Wildlife and Parks
Department of the Interior
Washington, D.C. (H.R. 2437 and H.R. 5490) 

Mr. Steve Lynn
Midvale Irrigation District
Pavillion, WY (H.R. 3415) 

Mr. Tom Leonard
Town of North Topsail Beach, NC (H.R. 2437) 

Dr. Christopher Hein
Associate Professor
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Gloucester Point, VA (H.R. 5490) 

Mr. William “Skip” A. Stiles, Jr.
Senior Advisor
Wetlands Watch
Norfolk, VA (H.R. 5490) (Minority Witness)