Full Committee Markup
Thursday, September 13, 2018 | 10:45 AM
Full Committee
FC Markup
Full Committee Markup on:The Committee on Natural Resources has scheduled a markup beginning on Wednesday, September 5, 2018, at 10:45 a.m. The Committee will consider the following bills:
Markup Action:H.R. 502 (Rep. Raul M. Grijalva), To permanently reauthorize the Land and Water The Subcommittee on Federal Lands and the Subcommittee on Water, Power
The ANS offered by Mr. Bishop of UT [083], was agreed to by voice vote. H.R. 502, as amended, was adopted and ordered favorably reported by voice vote. H.R. 6771 (Rep. Garret Graves of LA), To amend the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006, and for other purposes. “Domestic Offshore Energy Reinvestment Act of 2018”.
H.R. 6771, as amended, was adopted and ordered favorably reported by voice vote.
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