Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands Legislative Hearing on H.R. 1162, H.R. 2087, H.R. 2336, H.R. 2351, H.R. 2352. H.R. 2606 and H.R. 2687
Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
1334 Longworth House Office Building
Thursday, September 15, 2011
10:00 a.m.
H.R. 1162 (Dicks), To provide the Quileute Indian Tribe Tsunami and Flood Protection, and for other purpose.
H.R. 2087 (Rigell), To remove restrictions from a parcel of land situated in the Atlantic District, Accomack County, Virginia.
H.R. 2336 (Pingree), To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate segments of the York River and associated tributaries for study for potential inclusion in the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. "York River Wild and Scenic River Study Act of 2011"
H.R. 2351 (Hastings of WA), To direct the Secretary of the Interior to continue stocking fish in certain lakes in the North Cascades National Park, Ross Lake National Recreation Area, and Lake Chelan National Recreation Area. "North Cascades National Park Service Complex Fish Stocking Act"
H.R. 2352 (Hastings of WA), To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to adjust the boundary of the Stephen Mather Wilderness and the North Cascades National Park in order to allow the rebuilding of a road outside.
H.R. 2606 (Grimm), To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to allow the construction and operation of natural gas pipeline facilities in the Gateway National Recreation Area, and for other purposes "New York City Natural Gas Supply Enhancement Act"
H.R. 2687 (Kingston), To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to lease certain lands within Fort Pulaski National Monument, and for other purposes. "Fort Pulaski National Monument Lease Authorization Act"