Full Committee Markup on H.R. 3534
Wednesday, July 14, 2010 | 10:00 AM
COMMITTEE ACTION: The Committee on Natural Resources met in an open markup session on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 and Thursday, July 15, 2010 and considered the following bill: H.R. 3534 (Rahall), "Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources Act of 2009" An amendment in the nature of a substitute was offered by Mr. Rahall. The following amendments were offered to the amendment in the nature of a substitute: An amendment offered by Mr. Miller.184 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. (RC #1) - An amendment offered by Mr. Hastings.110 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 17 yeas and 21 nays. An amendment offered by Mr. Miller.009 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mr. Miller.002 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mr. Cassidy.010 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mr. Markey.090 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. (RC #2) An amendment offered by Mr. Flake.241 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 18 yeas and 22 nays. (RC #3) An amendment offered by Mr. Markey.091 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 15 yeas and 28 nays. An amendment offered by Mr. Hastings.120 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mr. Lujan.059 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. (RC #4) An amendment offered by Mr. Chaffetz.121 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 16 yeas and 25 nays. An amendment offered by Mr. Heinrich.049 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. (RC #5) An amendment offered by Mr. Fleming.108 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 19 yeas and 25 nays. An en bloc amendment offered by Mr. Inslee (.136 and .137) to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee.140 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mr. Young.069 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mr. Grijalva.089 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mr. Grijalva.084 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mr. Grijalva.090 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. (RC #6) An amendment offered by Mr. Chaffetz.004 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 20 yeas and 25 nays. An amendment offered by Mr. Sarbanes to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mr. Sarbanes.042 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mr. Broun.119 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was RULED OUT OF ORDER. An en bloc amendment offered by Mr. Lujan (.060 and .063) to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. (RC#7) An amendment offered by Mr. Gohmert.013 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 19 yeas and 26 nays. An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee.138 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee.141 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. (RC#8) An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee.142 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 26 yeas and 19 nays. (RC#9) An amendment offered by Mr. McClintock.105 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 21 yeas and 24 nays. An amendment offered by Mr. Pallone.049 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mr. Pallone.051 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An en bloc amendment offered by Mr. Wittman (.047 and .109) to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. (RC#10) An amendment offered by Mr. Wittman.106 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 21 yeas and 26 nays. An amendment offered by Mr. Inslee.135 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mr. Lamborn.061 (as modified) to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mr. Wittman.043 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mrs. Lummis.007 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mrs. Lummis.020 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was WITHDRAWN. An amendment offered by Mrs. Lummis.021 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. (RC #11) An amendment offered by Mrs. Lummis.111 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by roll call vote of 20 yeas and 28 nays. An amendment offered by Mr. Hastings.117 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. An amendment offered by Mr. Hastings.122 (as modified) to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was AGREED TO by voice vote. (RC #12) An amendment offered by Mr. Cassidy.006 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 18 yeas and 30 nays. (RC #13) An amendment offered by Mr. Cassidy.032 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 22 yeas and 26 nays. (RC #14) An amendment offered by Mr. Cassidy.115 to the amendment in the nature of a substitute was NOT AGREED TO by a roll call vote of 21 yeas and 27 nays. The amendment in the nature of a substitute, as amended, was AGREED TO by voice vote. (RC #15) HR 3534 was favorably reported to the House of Representatives, as amended, by a roll call vote of 27 yeas and 21 nays. |
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