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Support For Keystone Transcends Borders And Party

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 21, 2013 | Michael Tadeo (202-225-2761)
Speaking at the Foreign Policy Association in New York City this week, Canada’s Alberta Premier, Alison Redford (the equivalent to a Governor in the U.S.) voiced her support for the Keystone XL Pipeline energy project saying that North America energy independence is no longer wishful thinking. She spoke of America’s return on investment with this energy project. “Your money will go to a country with the same democratic values, and it will return here, since the U.S. receives 89 cents back for every dollar spent on Canadian goods and services.” Redford went on to list how both countries can benefit from this project. (Click here to view more)

Premier Redford’s ardent support for this energy project echoes bipartisan support it has received by both houses of Congress. In May the House passed H.R. 3, the Northern Route Approval Act, with bipartisan support. This is on top of the Senate’s bipartisan support of the Keystone Pipeline energy project.

This pipeline will create much-needed jobs, lower energy prices, make America for energy secure, and bring more revenue into the U.S. Treasury. Even with so much support for this project, President Obama chooses to stand in the way. The writing is on the wall and it’s telling President Obama that America wants and needs this pipeline.