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A Better Way Forward on Energy

Ranking Republican Doc Hastings (R-WA)
Ranking Republican
Doc Hastings (R-WA)

On Monday, Democrat Representatives Henry Waxman and Ed Markey released an updated 1,200 page National Energy Tax bill. Unfortunately, the bill continues to contain a variety of measures that will devastate our economy and worsen the recession.

In addition to spiking Americans’ energy bills, 2.5 million Americans can expect to lose their job because of this bill, according to the National Black Chamber of Commerce. But instead of providing substantial support for jobless Americans, Democrats have actually crafted a bill that delivers more support for wildlife and trees in foreign countries. In fact, this bill provides four times as much to wildlife/natural resources/domestic adaptation, four times as much to international adaptation (i.e. – foreign aid) and clean technology transfer, and five times as much to tropical forests than they provide for Americans who lose their job because of this bill.

During a serious economic recession, do Democrats really believe that Congress should pass legislation that will send more American jobs to China and India, and more America dollars to wildlife and tropical trees in foreign countries? This is one more sign that Democratic Leaders are out of touch with the needs of struggling Americans.

Republicans believe there is a better way to help create new jobs and address our energy crisis. The American Energy Act is an all-of-the-above plan that will develop all types of American-made energy, including renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydropower, nuclear and biomass, while also producing more American-made oil and natural gas. Instead of moving the National Energy Tax bill, Democrat Leaders should immediately hold a vote on a comprehensive energy plan.

Cross-posted at The Hill Blog on June 25, 2009.