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Breakfast Links

| Mallory Micetich

The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Associated Press: “North Dakota sees record oil shipments by rail” Forbes – Michael Kanellos: “Natural Gas To Play A Bigger Role in Transportation, IEA Predicts” Associated Press – Matthew Brown: “Feds approve 1.4B ton coal deal with Crow Tribe” USA Today – Dan Vergano: “Virginia to preserve Pocahontas home” Associated Press – Scott Sonner: “30 US reps want to reign in BLM's horse budget” Read More »

ICYMI: Congressman Tipton Discusses Wildfire Amendment with KOA

| Mallory Micetich

This morning, Congressman Tipton (CO-5) discussed his amendment to the FARRM bill with KOA news out of Denver, Colorado.This amendment hat would help states fight devastating wildfires by providing the Forest Service with a large air tanker and an aerial asset lease program to assist with fighting wildfires. This amendment comes at a time when Colorado has been fighting historic fires across the state. The amendment passed last night and was sponsored by other members of the Colorado delegation including Subcommittee on Energy and Minerals Chairman Doug Lamborn (CO-5). Later today, the House w... Read More »

Breakfast Links

| Mallory Micetich

The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Wall Street Journal – Jared A. Favole: “Inspector-General Vacancies at Agencies are Criticized” Politico OpEd – Michael Turner: “America's looming helium disaster” Roll Call blog – Niels Lesniewski: “Senators Find Money in … Helium?” Oregon Public Radio – David Nogueras: “Four Oregon Tribes Eligible For Federal Land Buy-Back Program” Oregon Public Broadcasting – Amelia Templeton: “Wyden Includes $330 Million Aid To Timber Counties in Helium Bill” Washington Times – Meredith Somers: “Panel sticks with Gehry’s memorial to Ike” Washington Post – Lonnae... Read More »

Breakfast Links

| Mallory Micetich

The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: National Journal – Matt Vasilogambros: “Can Natural Gas Really Deliver American Energy Independence?” Associated Press: “Fed: fracking study won’t be done until 2016” Associated Press: “Feds to help with tribal land buyback program” Indian Country Today – Rob Capriccioso: “Power Struggles at Interior Department Impact Indian Affairs” Reuters – Keith Coffman: “Colorado wildfire snuffs over 500 homes, new blazes menace West” Sacramento Bee – Matt Weiser: “Lawsuits hit new Delta Plan from all sides” Read More »

Imitating Our Friends Down Under

| Michael Tadeo

They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, but what happens when it’s not imitation? What happens when your close friend and ally is taking bold steps ahead while you’re being arbitrarily held back? Look no further than what’s happening with America’s friend and ally Australia. Just this week, the Australian government awarded 13 oil and natural gas permits for drilling off the Western coast of Australia. With these permits, energy companies have committed $173 million to new oil and natural gas exploration over the next three years. This move was welcomed by the Australian governme... Read More »

Breakfast Links

| Mallory Micetich

The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Alaska Dispatch – Carey Restino: “Murkowski: hard to get Washington interested in Arctic issues” Fuel Fix – Harry Weber: “As U.S. production soars, oil companies eye far horizons” Associated Press: “Colleges plan training for gas drilling jobs” Associated Press: “Illinois governor signs tough fracking regulations into law” Wall Street Journal – Ben DiPietro: “Record Restitution Order for Lacey Act Violations” Summit County Citizen Voice – Bob Berwyn: “Congress sets hearing on public lands ‘pay-to-play’ fees” Associated Press: “Lawsuits Filed Over Pl... Read More »

Breakfast Links

| Mallory Micetich

The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: CQ – Anna McGeehan and Tait Militana: “House Panel Advances Bill to Boost Offshore Drilling, Oil and Gas Leases” Tri-City Herald – Geoff Folsom: “House approves amendment to create Manhattan Project National Historic Park” Las Vegas Review Journal – Alan Snel: “House leader presses for answers on Milam-BLM land deal” Associated Press: “Fracking fuels water fights in nation’s dry spots” Breitbart – Ben Shapiro: “Residents helpless as endangered condors invade CA town” Associated Press: “Oklahoma Rep. Markwayne Mullin sponsors bill to build DC memori... Read More »

Wildfires Breakout In Colorado

| Mallory Micetich

This week, Colorado is tragically experiencing the most destructive wildfires in state history. Three major wildfires in Colorado are scorching thousands of acres, forcing tens of thousands to evacuate, and have destroyed hundreds of homes. In addition to the fires in Colorado, wildfires are currently burning in New Mexico, Oregon and California. With the wildfires expected to continue due to high temperatures and dry conditions, the federal government has authorized military tankers to assist in containing the blazes. Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Chairman Doug Lamborn represen... Read More »

Breakfast Links

| Mallory Micetich

The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: UPI: “Rep. Hastings calls for pro-energy bill passage in House” Platts – Brian Scheid: “US House committee passes three oil and gas bills” Southeast Missourian – Erin Ragan: “Jason Smith to serve on House Natural Resources and Judiciary committees” Washington Examiner – Eric P. Newcomber: “House committee votes to reopen design process for Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial” Washington Times – Meredith Somers: “Eisenhower memorial do-over possible” San Francisco Chronicle blog – Carolyn Lochhead: “House panel approves Point Arena – Stornetta public lands... Read More »

Breakfast Links

| Mallory Micetich

The Natural Resources Morning News Round-up: Tri-City Herald – Geoff Folsom: “U.S. House passes Rattlesnake Mountain access bill” Washington Times – Patrice Hill: “U.S. gains global competition as shale energy revolution heats up” The Hill – Julian Hattem: “Wildlife agency proposes endangered listing for chimps” Associated Press: “Tribal leaders focus on energy development hurdles” Northwest Public Radio – David Steves: “Klamath Tribes Call In Their Water Rights” Read More »