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Republicans on the House Natural Resources Committee Aren’t Hoodwinked by the Administration’s Faux-OCS Plan

| Committee Staff

Yesterday, House Natural Resources Committee Republicans responded to President Obama’s announcement of a new plan for Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas exploration, which will lockup the majority of our offshore for future energy production. “With this announcement, the Obama Administration is attempting to pull the wool over our eyes. President Obama’s rhetoric conveys support for increasing American oil and natural gas production, while the reality is he’s proposing a plan that will close more areas to drilling than it opens and the few areas still available won’t be open for years.... Read More »

Light Bulb Moment for Democrats – Administration is Even Delaying Renewable Projects on Federal Lands

| Committee Staff

At today’s Energy and Mineral Resources subcommittee hearing on the President’s budget proposals, Rep. Heinrich (D-NM) questioned the BLM Director about new solar projects - only to find out that there are none. In fact, the Department of Interior has failed to issue a single permit for any commercial renewable energy project. After 15 months with solar projects on the “fast track” maybe he should ask the Bureau to explain how long the “slow track” will take?” Read More »

Fleming to Interior Department: We Need Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

| Committee Staff

Representative John Fleming, M.D. addressed officials from the Interior Department today at the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources hearing on the President’s FY2011 budget. Fleming stressed the important role that domestic energy development plays in creating jobs for Americans. “Our nation is at nearly 10 percent unemployment, and we need jobs, jobs, jobs,” said Fleming while highlighting the crucial role the Haynesville Shale has played in Louisiana’s economy. “My district in Louisiana knows firsthand the benefits of energy development. In 2008 alone, investment in the Haynesville ... Read More »

Gas prices go up, yet Administration continues delaying American energy production

| Committee Staff

While the Administration implements an “Obama Moratorium” on new offshore drilling until 2012, Americans across the country are already bracing for higher prices at the pump – and it’s not even summer driving season yet. Consumers dig deeper for gasoline (Daily Sentinel 3/16/10) Gasoline prices reach 16-month high (White Mountain Independent 3/16/10) Green Bay gas prices are up 5 cents in week (Green Bay Press Gazette 3/16/10) Gasoline prices up yet again (Attleboro Sun Chronicle 3/16/10) US gasoline price highest since Oct. 2008-Govt (Reuters 3/15/10) Phila.-area gas prices creeping up (Phila... Read More »

Representatives Fleming and Smith Speak Out Against the "Obama Moratorium" on Offshore Drilling

| Committee Staff

House Natural Resources Committee Members John Fleming and Adrian Smith took to the House Floor this week to express their concerns over the recent decision by the Obama Administration to delay any new offshore energy production until 2012. Rep. Fleming stated: "This decision flies in the face of the bipartisan action in 2008 lifting the decades long ban on energy development on 500 million acres on the Outer Continental Shelf." "Offshore energy development is an important step toward reducing our dependence toward reducing our dependence on foreign oil, creating new jobs and putting our econo... Read More »

The Obama Moratorium - No Offshore Drilling For Next 3 Years

| Committee Staff

Jeff Schreiber with America’s Right blogged about Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s decision to put a stop to all new energy development off America’s coast until at least 2012. Here's a passage from Jeff’s post: “As the rest of the nation buzzed about matters of health care reform and political gamesmanship, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar quietly explained to reporters last week that the United States government will delay any new lease plan for oil drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf until at least 2012. This is a significant change from the 2010-2015 OCS lease plan left by the Bus... Read More »

Gallup Poll: Americans' Global Warming Concerns Continue to Drop

| Committee Staff

A new Gallup survey released today shows that Americans are becoming increasingly skeptical about global warming. 48% of Americans now say the seriousness of global warming is "generally exaggerated." That result is the highest ever recorded by Gallup; a seven point rise in last the last year and a 17-point jump since they began asking the question in 1998. Similarly, two-thirds of Americans say global warming will not affect them in their lifetimes. Read More »