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Sportsmen, Conservation and Second Amendment Advocates Support Natural Resources Committee Legislation to Protect Hunting

| Jamie Hennigan

Multiple sportsmen, conservation and second amendment advocate organizations are calling for passage of H.R. 4089. Specifically, the Sportsmen's Heritage Act of 2012 reaffirms that fishing, hunting, and shooting are important and traditional activities that should continue on Forest Service (FS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands. The bill provides a clear legislative basis for protecting sportsmen and wildlife management agencies from anti-hunting and fishing litigation and administrative gridlock. H.R. 4089 is composed of four of the hunting and fishing community’s highest legislative... Read More »

Initial Comment on Interior Department's 'Extremely Disappointing' Response to Subpoena for Drilling Moratorium Documents

| Spencer Pederson

While the subpoena deadline for producing documents was set at Noon on April 10, 2012, the Interior Department communicated its intent to respond to the Committee by close of business. Due to the lateness in receiving the Department’s response to the subpoena, a more specific response from Chairman Hastings will follow after he has had the opportunity to fully consider the Department’s non-compliant response to the subpoena. Below is a statement from Spencer Pederson, Press Secretary: “The Department has failed to comply with the subpoena and it’s response is extremely disappointing given the ... Read More »

Governors Express Ocean Policy Concerns with President Obama

| Jamie Hennigan

This week, Governors from 7 states penned a letter to President Obama addressing multiple offshore energy issues. In particular, they expressed concern with proposed coastal and marine spatial planning, one facet of the President’s National Ocean Policy. The Governors urged the President to carefully consider the bureaucratic hurdles and negative impacts on energy development that could be created by this policy. Over the past several months, the House Natural Resources Committee has conducted rigorous oversight on this issue, and plans to hold more hearings focused on the National Ocean Polic... Read More »

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Southerland

| Neal Kirby

House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. The Committee continues its Jobs Watch series this week with Freshman Committee Member Steve Southerland from Florida’s Second Congressional District. Congressman Southerland explains his work to ensure sensible regulations on Florida’s waterways and fishing industry without destroying thousands of jobs. Watch Rep. Southerland explain more here: Learn more about Rep. Steve Southerland by vi... Read More »

Chairman Hastings Delivers the Weekly Republican Address

| Committee Staff

In this week's Republican Address, Chairman Doc Hastings explains how President Obama has consistently blocked American energy production. Gasoline prices are on the rise again and the Obama Administration has given no impression that they're serious about lowering our energy costs and creating much-needed American jobs. House Republicans are working to open more American energy production and ease the burden on small businesses so they can grow and hire again. It's all part of our Plan for America's Job Creators. Learn more at Watch Chairman Hastings here and post your co... Read More »

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Duncan

| Neal Kirby

House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. Meet Freshman Committee Member Jeff Duncan from South Carolina’s Third Congressional District. Congressman Duncan suggests that by opening up a small portion of ANWR, we have huge potential for achieving American energy independence, while creating good-paying American jobs. Responsible energy production would create thousands of jobs, generate billions in new revenue, and reduce our depend... Read More »

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Coffman

| Neal Kirby

House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. Meet Committee Member Mike Coffman from Colorado’s Sixth Congressional District. American oil and natural gas production in Colorado directly employs 50,000 people and supports over 190,000 jobs in the state. It is responsible for roughly 6% of total employment in Colorado. Watch Rep. Coffman explain the recent efforts he has taken to expand American energy production, create jobs and produ... Read More »

Gov. Sean Parnell: What's the Hold-Up on Alaskan Oil?

| Governor Sean Parnell (R-AK)

The Trans-Alaska Pipeline near Valdez, Alaska Finally, some welcome news from Washington: With a bipartisan voice, the House Natural Resources Committee passed H.R. 7, the American Energy Infrastructure & Jobs Act. This bill ties energy production to key projects that would generate well-paying jobs sorely needed for our economy and our energy security. It also enables us in Alaska to pursue production on a small section of the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR). This legislation opens 400,000 acres of the ANWR coastal plain's 1.5 million acres—land specifically set aside (by a 1980 fede... Read More »

Natural Resources Committee Maintains Aggressive Oversight of Obama Administration's Overregulation of Hydraulic Fracturing

| Spencer Pederson

The Obama Administration’s Interior Department is one step closer to imposing new federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing on federal lands—a long standing drilling technique that is necessary to extract oil and natural gas from shale reservoirs. A draft copy of the new regulations, reported last Thursday by Politico, show that the Obama Administration is preparing to add significant red tape and delays to the job creating energy production that comes from harnessing U.S. shale gas resources. Chairman Hastings noted: “At his State of the Union address President Obama talked about eliminatin... Read More »

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Johnson

| Neal Kirby

House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. Meet Freshman Committee Member Bill Johnson from Ohio’s Sixth Congressional District. Ohio is home to several coal-fired power plants, which provide hundreds of good-paying jobs. However, due to the Obama Administration’s proposed rewrite of the Stream Buffer Zone rule, tens of thousands of direct and indirect coal jobs are at jeopardy. Coal production could be cut in half and cause electri... Read More »